孙凌志 夏秋艳 任杰
(山东科技大学,山东 青岛 266510)
Abstract:The maximum bid limit price set by general engineering contracting projects will profoundly affect the rights and interests of both tenderers and bidders. The six common “inconsistent” pricing phenomena are summarized and analyzed in the current process of editing and reviewing the maximum bidding price. Based on the Grounded Theory,the key factors affecting the maximum bidding price of general contracting projects are summarized and extracted,subsequently they are categorized;the comparative analysis the advantages and disadvantages and applicable conditions of the three compilation methods,based on the budget estimate of the preliminary design,simulated bidding quantity list and market inquiry,are compared and analyzed. Then the selection and improvement suggestions of the two common pricing modes of rate reduction and simulated list are elaborated. Last but not least,the strategies to improve the valuation quality of the maximum bid limit price are proposed from three aspects of the policy system,management level and organization.
Keywords:general engineering contracting;maximum bid price limit;influencing factors;compilation method;pricing model
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