赵秀丽 高磊 何昆
(大庆石化公司工程预决算部, 黑龙江 大庆 163714)

[摘 要] 针对现阶段招投标过程中施工单位采用不平衡报价的策略获取高额利润的情况,结合工作中的经验,对施工单位采用不平衡报价的形式、产生的原因、造成的后果,以及如何在实践中实现公正、合理报价的对策和措施展开分析,以期对投标报价有一定的指导作用。
[关键词] 不平衡报价;招投标;工程造价
Abstract: In view of the present situation of construction units taking policies of unbalanced bid to achieve high profit in tendering process and based on practical experience, the forms of unbalanced bid taken by construction units, causes of unbalanced bid and its results, and policies and measures that should be taken in practical operation to receive a fair and reasonable bid have been studied. The study results can be used as a guide in the process of achieving bidding price.
Key words: unbalanced bid; bidding and tendering; engineering cost




