戴一璟 杜亚灵 温莎娜 王寒
(1.福建工程学院管理学院,福建 福州 350118;2.天津理工大学管理学院,天津 300384;3.中铁三局集团天津建设工程有限公司,天津 300350)
Abstract:Through literature analysis,the paper concludes that the premise of the government-paid deductions is the evaluation of output performance. The prerequisite for implementation of government-paid deductions is to evaluate output performance,which is divided into availability evaluation and performance evaluation according to properties of the outputs. As for availability payment based on public assets and public products,explicitly states the discriminating way to define the availability. And on this basis,establishes the appropriate deduction proportionally according to the importance of the facility and the deduction with a grace period by timeliness of repair. As for performance payment based on public service,designs performance evaluation index and ratings principle reasonably,and establishes the deduction with appropriate proportions according to the performance evaluation scores or grades and the progressive deduction in accordance with their specific circumstances of meeting the performance standards.
Keywords:PPP project;government-paid deductions;availability payment;performance payment
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