胡文博 刘晓颖
(中国建筑科学研究院, 北京 100013)
[摘 要] 房地产企业短平快运作的粗放式管理方式已经无法适应目前的房地产市场,必须从多方面进行成本控制,才有可能实现利润最大化,最终取得理想的投资效益。本文主要探讨如何运用先进的信息技术建立强大的信息管理平台,有效控制项目建安成本,从而提高房地产企业核心竞争力。
[关键词] 信息化;项目成本控制;房地产;平台
Abstract: As short-time operation and extensive management have been unable to adapt the current real estate market conditions, it would be possible to achieve the maximum profit and finally achieve the desired investment returns only by carrying out cost control in many ways. This paper mainly discusses how to use the advanced information technology to establish a powerful information platform to assist the real estate enterprise to effectively control the construction and installation costs and thereby improve the core competitiveness.
Key words: information; project cost control; real estate; platform


