(中国石油工程建设公司, 北京 100111)
[摘 要] 建筑业作为竞争性比较充分的行业,未来几年,新的建筑行业工程建设模式将逐渐推广。伴随企业资质的重新就位,工程建设企业之间的竞争将加剧,两极分化将成为必然,提高企业的竞争力成为唯一选择。本文结合国家产业发展方向、企业实际和企业竞争理论提出了“战略领先、内功强身、外联共赢、改革攻坚和集体自律”的五大策略,全面提高企业的市场竞争力和管理能力,以期对当前和今后工程建设企业的发展有所裨益。
[关键词] 企业管理;改革重组;竞争力
Abstract: Construction industry is a very competitive industry. New models for engineering construction will be promoted gradually in the future. Along with the enterprises qualification replacing, there will be fierce competitions between construction enterprises, and the polarization will emerge inexorably. The enterprises have no choice but to be more and more competitive. Based on the direction of industry development, the enterprises' actual conditions and the theory of enterprise competition, this article proposes five main strategies such as strategy first, internal improvement, seeking corporation, reform, self-discipline to improve enterprises' competence of management and creating uncontested market space, for the purpose of making the current and future development of construction enterprises be more beneficial.
Key words: enterprises management; reform and reorganization; competitive competence




