徐军祖 王卓甫 洪伟民
(1.河海大学商学院, 江苏 南京 210098;2.南昌工程学院, 江西 南昌 330099)

[摘 要] 针对关于建筑市场信用严重缺失原因的一些片面认识,论述了产权制度与建筑市场信用缺失的关系,提出产权制度缺陷是建筑市场信用严重缺失的内因,而征信体系不健全等其它因素仅仅是其外因。分析了转型期产权制度的缺陷导致建筑市场信用缺失的机理。建筑市场的信用重建,除应采取建立征信体系等措施外,还必须从根本上建立利于信用形成的现代产权制度。
[关键词] 建筑市场;信用;产权制度
Abstract: In view of the existing one-sided opinions of the lack of credit in construction market, this article expounds the relationship between the property rights system and the lack of credit in construction market. It concludes that the main reason of the current serious lack of icredit in construction market is the defects in property rights system, and the under-development situation of credit system and others are secondary reasons.It demonstrates the mechanism of causing the dishonesty and cheat in construction market by the defects in property rights system in the transitional period. Therefore, in order to build a clean and healthy construction market, we should not only adopt measures like establishing a credit system, but also eastablish a modern property rights system.
Key words: construction market; credit; property rights system



