程英伟 汤捷
(1.武汉工业学院土木与建筑学院, 湖北 武汉 430023;2.武汉王家墩商务区建设投资公司, 湖北 武汉 430015)
[摘 要] 城市道路信息管网是一种新兴的管网技术。通过对其需求量影响因素进行分析,建立了城市道路信息管网需求量的预测步骤及模型。并以运营商——中国电信为例,验证了预测模型的正确性;在此基础上,给出了其它运营商信息管网需求量预测的具体建议,供各城市发展道路信息管网时参考。
[关键词] 城市道路;信息管网;需求量;预测
Abstract: Information culvert network under urban road is an emerging culvert network technology. This paper analyzes the influencing factors of information culvert network demand and establishes prediction steps and prediction model. Moreover, takes an operator, China Telecom, as an example, verifies the correctness of prediction model.Based on this, puts forward the specific prediction recommendations of information culvert network demand for other operators, providing some references for other cities when developing information culvert network under urban road.
Key words: urban road; information culvert network; demand; prediction
[3](YD 5007-2003)通信管道与通道工程设计规范[S].


