金玲 刘长滨 李秀杰
(1.哈尔滨工业大学经济管理学院, 黑龙江 哈尔滨 100051;2.北京建筑工程学院, 北京 100044;3.哈尔滨市人民检察院, 黑龙江 哈尔滨 100051)

[摘 要] 针对当前建设供应链协调存在的问题,运用演化博弈的方法构建了建筑供应商和总承包商的交易模型。模型的分析表明:减小隐藏信息或行动带来的好处,减小合作的初始成本以及合作方遭受的损失,或者增大合作利润等措施,都能促进建设供应链企业向合作状态转化,但从根本上改善合作状况则需要依靠建设供应链企业的行为承诺和对恶性竞争的惩罚。
[关键词] 建设供应链;演化博弈;合作
Abstract: In view of the problems existed in the coordination of the current construction supply chain, the model for the transaction of the suppliers and the general contractors was built using evolutionary game theory. Based on the model, the analysis shows that reducing the hidden informations or actions, the initial costs of cooperation and the losses of partners, or increasing the cooperative profits would take the construction supply chain enterprises to a cooperative state. However, a fundamental improvement of cooperation would only be relied on action commitments of construction supply chain enterprises and penalties for vicious competitions.
Key words: construction supply; evolutionary game theory; cooperation



