冯长春 陈怡 刘保奎
(北京大学不动产研究鉴定中心, 北京 100871)

[摘 要] 从中低收入家庭住房难的现状出发,界定了中低收入家庭的内涵,提出了中低收入家庭的划分方法,并以北京市为例进行了人群定位。在评析国外中低收入家庭住房解决途径的基础上,总结了其不同历史时期的政策演变规律对我国的启示。最后,基于对中低收入家庭住房的性质等根本性问题的剖析,提出了解决中低收入家庭住房问题的途径和建议,为相关部门制定政策、调整规划提供参考。
[关键词] 中低收入家庭;住房;解决途径
Abstract: Embarked on the housing problems occurred among mid-low income families nowadays, this paper proposes the connotation and division method to the certain class. It also carries out the new method with the target group in Beijing as an example. Based on the evaluation of international treatments of mid-low income family housing, it summarizes the discipline of the policy progress along evolutionary historical periods and its enlightenment to our country. By putting forward practical suggestions of mid-low income families' housing problems, this paper would like to provide reference to decision making department for their further policy making as well as program adjustment.
Key words: mid-low income families; housing; solution
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