(吉林建筑工程学院管理学院, 吉林 长春 130021)
[摘 要] 暂估价是新版《工程量清单计价规范》中新增设的一种模式,通过与国际工程合同类似制度的对比,指出“暂估价”模式在我国工程实践中存在的程序与实体两个层面的缺陷,程序层面的问题在于“共同招标”的可操作性较差;实体层面的问题表现为工程质量与安全生产责任分配不公,结论提出了适用暂估价模式应遵循的基本原则。
[关键词] 工程量清单;暂估价;指定分包商
Abstract: Provisional valuation is a new model in Code for Construction BOQ 2008 Edition. Through comparing with other similar international project contracts, points out that this method exist two shortcomings in practice and procedures. The procedural problem is bad operability of calling for tender together for employer and contractor. The practical problem is unfair distribution of engineering quality and security responsibility. The conclusions give the basic principles of using provisional valuation model.
Key words: bill of quantity; provisional valuation; nominated subcontractors
[2]Ime Johnson Ikpo.Variability analysis of prime cost sums [J].Civil Engineering Dimension,2008,10(1).




