王珊珊 郝斌 陈希琳 彭琛
(1.住房和城乡建设部科技发展促进中心,北京 100835;2.深圳市建筑科学研究院,广东 深圳 518049)
Abstract:Solar domestic hot water system is the easiest form accepted by the public. However,there are some problems to be solved in the engineering. Based on the investigating,testing of field engineering and questionnaire survey,from the perspective of the user experience and operation and maintenance of solar domestic hot water engineering,this paper analyzes the market status and current difficulties,then suggests paying more attention to improve the system design ability,changing the assessment mechanism and playing the role of market mechanisms in order to promote the application of solar domestic hot water engineering.
Keywords:solar domestic hot water;system design;assessment index;field-testing
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