陈炳泉 侯祥朝 许叶林 王毅雄
(1.香港理工大学, 香港;2.华侨大学, 福建 泉州 362021; 3.东南大学项目管理研究所, 江苏 南京 210096;4.福建泉州工程建设质量监督站,福建 泉州 362000)

[摘 要] 以泉州某污水处理厂项目实践为基础,以特许经营合同为主线,对污水处理厂PPP项目关键风险进行识别和分析,在此基础上提出相应的对策,并根据风险管理原则对其进行合理的分配,从而为项目参与主体,尤其是特许经营人提供一个相对较优的风险管理框架。
[关键词] PPP;特许经营合同;风险
Abstract: This paper aims to review and document the valuable experience of Dongcheng sewage treatment plant in Quanzhou. Eight critical risk factors are examined based on a systemic and comprehensive risk identification and risk analysis. A qualitative analysis looking at countermeasures of risk factors and the rational allocation is conducted. The results provide a risk management framework for project participants, especially for concessionaires.
Key words: PPP; concession contract; risk
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