(苏州科技大学, 江苏 苏州 215011)

[摘 要] 为促进EPC总承包管理模式在我国更好的发展,本文从探讨EPC管理过程目前存在的问题入手,分别就宏观政策环境、业主、承包商、监理四个方面阐明了现有工程项目管理模式与EPC衔接中的优化认识,就如何进一步推动国际主流的EPC总承包管理模式在我国的应用,做了多角度的分析并提出了相应的对策措施,以期能通过各方的共同努力与合作,提高我国建筑业项目管理的水平。
[关键词] EPC;问题;对策
Abstract: In order to improve the development of EPC general contract management model in China, this article starts from the point to discuss the existing problems and issues in EPC general contract management procedure, then to demonstrate the optimization in current engineering project management model linkage from following four areas in macro policy environment, employers, contractors, supervisors. It also analyses how to improve and promote the application of international EPC general contract management model in China from different angles and proposes proper methods and countermeasures. In this way, we hope to improve the construction enterprise management in China through the cooperation of all parties.
Key words: EPC; problems; countermeasures



