孙杰 黄金芳 何佰洲
(1.北京建筑工程学院经济与管理工程学院, 北京 100044; 2.北京交通大学应用经济学博士后流动站, 北京 100044)

[摘 要] 分析了建筑业技能型人才供需矛盾。基于人力资本投资理论,分析了人力资本投资决策的影响因素,认为建筑企业和建筑工人不能够自身解决技能型人才短缺这个问题。文章提出了政府主导型的建筑业技能型人才培养模式,通过实施政府培训补助计划,征收企业培训税和建立行业培训基金等途径,有效提高工人培训参与率,增加技能型人才供给,缩小技能型人才缺口。
[关键词] 建筑业;技能型人才;培训
Abstract: This paper analyzes the reasons for supply-demand contradictions in the construction industry. The factors influencing the decision-making of human capital are studied based on the theory of human capital investment. It is concluded that the construction enterprises and workers cannot solve the shortages by themselves. This paper proposes a training pattern for skilled workers, in which government plays an important role by means of initiating the training allowance plan, collecting training tax and establishing training funds. As a result, the worker training participation rate, supply and shortage of skilled workers can be effectively improved.
Key words: construction industry; skilled workers; training
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