季如进 张爽
(1.清华大学建设管理系, 北京 100084;2.中国人民财产保险有限公司, 北京 100052)

[摘 要] 住宅质量保险,国外一些国家又称为潜在缺陷保险(Inherent Defect Insurance)、内在缺陷保险(Latent Defect Insurance)、十年保险(Decennial Insurance)等,其目的主要是为住宅在使用过程中出现的质量问题提供保障。对国内外推广住宅质量保险的情况进行对比分析,探讨我国住宅质量保险体系现状与存在问题。产生这些问题的原因在于国内对住宅质量保险的认识仍存在一定误区,有必要对国际上开展的住宅质量保险进行再认识。
[关键词] 住宅质量保险;缺陷;责任
Abstract: Resident Quality Insurance, which is called Inherent Defect Insurance, Latent Defect Insurance, or Decennial Insurance in foreign countries, covers the resident quality in the using period. Through comparing the system of Resident Quality Insurance with foreign countries, points out the disadvantages in China. It is important to research thoroughly on the Resident Quality Insurance system on account of the shortage of knowledge.
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