冯东梅 杨微
(1.辽宁工程技术大学,辽宁 葫芦岛 125105;2.阜新市诚博工程项目管理有限责任公司, 辽宁 阜新 123000)
[摘 要] 甄选合适的项目承包商是项目得以顺利完成的首要工作。本研究分析现有项目管理制度下使案例项目得以顺利完成的首要工作,分析现有项目管理案例特性,并提出以案例式推理技术,辅助拟定招标文件中承包商资格条件设定,而知识库系统的运作主要藉由案例库的知识撷取,来解决业主在设定承包商资格条件时所面临的困难。
[关键词] 知识系统,项目管理,案例式推理,相似度
Abstract: In construction project management systems, how to draft a qualified tender document especially when setting a qualification policy for service providers is the first step to succeed in a project. This study surveys previous cases of construction project management and figures out the factors affecting qualification. The case-based reasoning technique is also employed to act as an extra qualification setting tool. Based on acquired knowledge, a developed knowledge-based system is used to deal with the problems that a client faces in setting tender qualifications through knowledge retrieval from cases. Based on real cases, the result of this study could be a good reference for a client who wants to procure construction project management services.
Key words: knowledge management system; project management; case-based reasoning; similarity match
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