李忠富 曹新颖
(大连理工大学建设管理系,辽宁 大连 116024)
Abstract:By conducting an investigation on the development of the SI housing system in China,this paper takes a role orientation of the stakeholders according to connotation and characteristics of SI housing system. According to the role responsibilities and interactional relationships of the stakeholders,sets up a dynamic mechanism of multi-agent collaboration of SI housing system based on the systematic theory and the synergetics theory,as well as the characteristics of construction projects,such as multistage,multi-agent,multi-objective and complex process,to identify inner and exterior motivity of the multi-agent collaboration of SI housing system,provides reference for making policy for multi-agent collabration of SI housing.
Keywords:SI housing system;multi-agent collaboration;dynamic mechanism;exterior motivity;inner motivity
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