(郑州航空工业管理学院建筑工程管理系, 河南 郑州 450005)
[摘 要] 弹性的生产力组织、刚性的建筑业企业结构、法定的企业生存空间和行业归口管理的建筑业管理模式总体构思,是中国建筑业实现科学发展、追赶世界建筑业先进水平并逐步走向前列的必然选择。这一模式所遇到的法律困境,应从建筑法律规则、建筑经济理论研究、建筑活动实践三者的辩证关系中去寻求解决,即建筑法律规则为建筑活动实践服务并反映建筑活动实践,建筑经济理论研究和建筑活动实践指导建筑法律规则完善。
[关键词] 建筑业,弹性生产力,成长与发展
Abstract: The general thinking of China construction industry management model, which is composed of flexible organization of productive forces combines with rigid structure of construction enterprises, legal operational space, and centralizing administration, is an inevitable choice for realizing the scientific development to the industry. People can extricate the model from legal predicament by dealing with the dialectical relationships between the law and construction economic theory research, and construction industry development practice as well, correctly. That is to say, law should reflect and render service to the practice; theory study and the practice should direct the revision of laws and regulations.
Key words: construction industry; flexible productive forces; growth and development


