刘秀丽 汪寿阳 杨翠红
(中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院系统所, 北京 100190)
[摘 要] 本研究采用经济计量方法,建立建筑节能①对建筑能耗的直接经济和环境影响测算模型。在合理的情景假定下,应用该模型测算,得出如下主要结论:“十一五”建筑节能目标的各项分解任务和总的节能任务可在三年内完成。三年中每年的建筑节能量对“十一五”期间平均每年节能任务的贡献率分别是17.28%、34.55%、51.83%。三年中每年因建筑节能而减少的主要污染物的排放量对“十一五”期间平均每年减排任务的贡献率分别是76%、152%和228%。建筑节能还可承担更多的节能任务。最后提出可以适当增加既有建筑节能改造节能任务的政策建议。
[关键词] 建筑节能,经济影响,环境影响,数量经济模型
Abstract: This paper established an econometric model to measure the direct economic and environmental impact of building energy efficiency to building energy consumption. Under the reasonable scenario, applying the model, we came to the conclusion that the whole task and its components of the building energy efficiency in the 11th Five-Year Plan could be achieved in three years. The contribution rate of the amount of building energy efficiency of every year in the three years to the average annual energy saving tasks of the 11th Five-Year Plan is 17.28%, 34.55% and 51.83% respectively. And the contribution rate of the reduced discharge amount of the major pollutants by building energy efficiency every year in the three years to the average annual main pollutants reduced tasks of the 11th Five-Year Plan is 76%, 152% and 228% respectively. Building energy efficiency can take on more energy saving task. Finally, it put forward a policy suggestion that the energy efficiency task of the reconstruction of existing buildings should be properly added.
Key words: building energy efficiency; economic impact; environmental impact; econometric model
[1]宋岩.代表委员聚焦2006年两大未完成指标[EB/OL]. http://news.xinhuanet.com/misc/2007-03/04/content_5799533.htm.
[17]国家环保总局. 2006年全国环境统计公报[Z].


