(住房和城乡建设部政策研究中心, 北京 100835)
[摘 要] 界定了四组概念,并认为判断限价房必须根据限价房的价格形成方式、销售对象、上市条件和政府组织四个标准。虽然限价房是住房保障制度的创新,但是存在着价格波动风险、品质风险、销售风险。限价房的功能主要是完善公共住房体系、完善供给结构、满足部分住房需求和平抑房价,不同地方住房压力不同,限价房功能发挥的侧重点也应不同。
[关键词] 限价房,风险,住房需求
Abstract: The paper makes a definition of four pieces of concepts, and regards that the criteria for reasonably priced housing depends on the methods of price forming, targets for selling, trading condition and government leading. Though reasonably priced housing is one kind of institutional innovation of government, still it exists such shortcoming as risk of price volatility, risk of quality and marketing risk. There are four kinds of function of reasonably priced housing: perfecting the city public living system, improving the mix of market housing available, meeting parts of housing demand and evening out housing prices, but the existing form of function is quite different due to different gap between demand and supply in different cities.
Key words: reasonably priced housing; risk; housing demand


