蔡华 王德兵 李世蓉 梁怀庆
(1.上海甘信工程造价咨询有限公司, 上海 201206;2.重庆大学建设管理与房地产学院, 重庆 400045)
[摘 要] 为了实现将节能省地型住宅系统发展转换成政府可操作的管理模式,需建立一套合理的指标体系进行综合评价研究,以此来将节能省地型住宅系统发展研究从时空大尺度转向时空小尺度。运用从定性转向定量、从规范性转向实证性的方式提出简单易行、科学合理、反映趋势的定量法则。借鉴频度统计、专家调查和理论分析,建构了一套较为合理的指标体系,为下一步的评价分析提供依据。
[关键词] 节能省地型住宅系统,系统发展评价,评价指标体系
Abstract: For controlling the development of energy-land saving house system to government, reasonable evaluation system establishment is becoming more and more important. With this evaluation system, can study the energy-land saving house system from macro to concept. Scientific and reasonable quantitative rules were raised from qualitative to quantitative and from normative to empirical. With frequency statistics, experts survey and theoretical analysis, a reasonable evaluation system was established, which provided scientific basis for analysis and evaluation.
Key words: energy-land saving house system; system development evaluation; evaluation system
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