江汉臣 邓晓梅 强茂山
(1.清华大学水沙科学与水利水电工程国家重点实验室,北京 100084;2.清华大学建设管理系,北京 100084)
Abstract:First,regarding owners and contractors as two player groups with bounded rationality,individuals imitates the strategies of game winners to realize evolution of strategy,the two groups reaches an evolutionary stable status lastly. By analyzing the evolution process,evolutionary stable status and evolutionary stable strategy,the analysis results reveal that the spontaneous evolution of construction market leads to an unfavorable evolutionary stable strategy. Last,it points out the construction market toward the benign development,only relying on the credit system cannot be completely avoid moral hazard of the owner and the contractor,must introduce into tougher constraints and punishment mechanism,such as engineering guarantee.
Keywords:construction market;contractor;owner;evolutionary game theory;behavior strategy
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