侯品 王幼松 张雁
(1.华南理工大学土木系亚热带建筑科学国家重点实验室, 广东 广州 510640;2.海口市75576部队后勤处, 海南 海口 570236)
[摘 要] 以全国及泛珠三角内地9省区(除港、澳)建筑业竞争力为研究对象,综合资源、过程、效益、环境四个方面对竞争力构建评价体系,采用基于均方差权值决策法和欧氏几何距离法相结合的复合模型对其竞争力的排名位次进行分析,结果发现,在此区域内广东、海南、湖南建筑业的综合竞争实力较高,而广西、四川、云南、江西、贵州五个省份的建筑业竞争力水平相对较弱,最后对泛珠三角地区建筑业今后的发展提出建议。
[关键词] 竞争力,建筑业,泛珠三角,欧氏几何距离法
Abstract: Regarding the competitiveness of the construction industry of the nine provinces in Pan-Pearl River District (PPRD) and China, establishes an assessment system including four aspects such as resources, process, efficiency and environment. The model comprises mean-squared deviation weight decision approach and Euclidean geometrical distance method. The comprehensive competitiveness of the construction industry in PPRD has been evaluated and ordered. The results show that the competitiveness of the construction industry is relatively higher in Guangdong, Hainan and Hunan, while lower in Guangxi, Sichuan, Jiangxi and Guizhou. Finally some suggestions have been proposed for the development of the construction industry in PPRD.
Key words: competitiveness; construction industry; Pan-Pearl River District (PPRD); Euclidean geometrical distance method


