熊伟 权婧雅 王娟丽 夏俊
(浙江大学管理学院, 浙江 杭州 310058)
[摘 要] 将质量机能展开(QFD)运用到精装修房地产产品设计质量控制中。在设计初期即考虑顾客需求,并挖掘出了产品质量控制点,提出基于QFD和产品质量控制点的模型,解决精装修住宅产品开发中遇到的五大问题,并在万科深圳公司的坪山二期项目中予以运用。
[关键词] QFD,质量控制,精装修住宅
Abstract: This paper proposes a product quality control model combining QFD and Key Quality Control Points to ensure the quality through the procedure from design to launching. Considering Voice of Customer at the beginning stage and involving Quality Control during the process, the model comes across five key problems and is applied in Vanke Pingshan project.
Key words: QFD; quality control; all-furnished apartment
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