姚兵祥 魏奋子
(1.甘肃省定西市建筑管理总站,甘肃 定西 743000;2.中共甘肃省委党校经济社会发展研究所,甘肃 兰州 730070)
[摘 要] 对甘肃省及西部地区建筑业竞争力从时间、空间两个维度进行了综合比较分析,时间维度取2001-2006年,空间维度取31个省区市,分析指标包括企业规模、市场占有率、盈利能力、生产效率、机械化水平、企业所有制结构和产业贡献率等方面,并使用SPSS统计分析软件中的因子分析法,得出甘肃省建筑业综合实力由期初的全国第27位下降到了期末的第30位,尤其在人均经营能力和企业财务因子方面下降最为明显。
[关键词] 西部地区,甘肃省,建筑业竞争力,排名分析
Abstract: The paper presents us a comprehensive comparison as well as an analysis on the competitive power of the construction industry in Gansu province and western areas from the two dimensionalities of time and space. Time dimensionality refers to 2001~2006 while space dimensionality deals with 31 provinces (or districts or cities). Analytical indexes include market quota, the number of entrepreneurs, employees in this line, total profit, average per capita profit margin, the level of mechanization, working productivity, the ratio of assets liabilities, ownership structure of entrepreneurs, contribution rate of entrepreneurs and so on. With the factor analysis method of SPSS software, it is concluded that comprehensive strength of the construction industry in Gansu province decreases from the 27th at the beginning of the period to the 30th in the end of this period, especially in the aspects of the per capita management and entrepreneurs' finance.
Key words: western areas; Gansu province; competitive power in construction industry; analysis of ranks


