邢会歌 王卓甫 尹红莲
(1.河海大学工程管理研究所, 江苏 南京 210098; 2.山东水利职业学院, 山东 日照 276826)
[摘 要] 针对我国建设市场的现状,从交易角度出发,研究考虑工程交易成本的招标机制设计。首先结合交易费用理论和工程交易的特点将工程交易费用分为合同前交易费用和合同后交易费用;然后根据合同后交易费用的大小对工程进行了分类;最后对不同类型工程设计不同的招标机制,即零交易费用的工程招标采用最低价中标机制,考虑交易费用的工程招标采用综合招标机制。考虑交易费用的招标机制设计可有效提高我国招标交易的效率,进一步完善招投标制度。
[关键词] 招标,机制设计,交易费用
Abstract: According to the current situation of construction market in China, the bidding mechanism design with transaction costs are researched. Firstly, combining with the transaction cost theory and the traits of project transaction, the project transaction costs are divided into costs pre-contract and costs post-contract; then, projects are classed to several types based on the transaction costs; Finally, different mechanisms are designed for different type projects, that are the project with zero transaction costs adopts lowest price bid, and the project considering transaction costs adopts integrated bidding mechanism. All of these can enhance the bidding efficiency and perfect the bidding system in china.
Key words: bidding; mechanism design; transaction costs
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