最低价中标法:轨道 环境 适应 改善
(福建径坊建造工程有限公司, 福建 厦门 361003)
[摘 要] 为寻找改善途径、破除认识误区,指出工程采购的制度轨道背景和信用与担保的多国惯例基础;从可持续发展、系统方法论和具体操作三个层面阐明其存在缺陷,简述适应当前和可预见将来制度环境的六条改善或改造策略;提供考虑投标人信用与技术标、依靠确定机制内生随机结果的操作方式和评标模拟案例,并作扼要、有趣的技术探讨;认为不应当扩大化和绝对化地使用。
[关键词] 招标投标,制度环境,完善策略,操作方式
Abstract: To seek improvement channel and eradicate knowledge mistake, this paper points out the background of regulation orbit in construction procurement and base of multinational practice in credit and surety-bond; it expounds its existing defects from the view of sustainable development, systematic method and concrete operation, and briefly expounds six improvement tactics adapted to the environment of present and predictable future; it also provides operation way of considering credit and technique-tender of bidding, depending on stochastic result produced from inner determined mechanism, and simulated case in examining and appraising tender, and carrying on further technique application; it deems that it should not be used extendedly and absolutely.
Key words: bidding; regulation environment; improvement tactics; operation way


