姚建平 李波
(1.上海建工<集团>总公司, 上海 200122;2.上海实业集团博士后工作站, 上海 200122)
[摘 要] 以我国海外最大的跨国区域开发项目——波罗的海明珠项目为例,对中国企业开展跨国区域开发所面对的风险与挑战进行了探索与研究。着重从跨国区域开发所处的广义生态环境、项目所在国的开发规则与程序以及跨文化管理三个方面进行了阐述,力求为中国企业在海外的开发探索一条可资借鉴的成功之路。
[关键词] 广义生态环境,跨国区域开发,跨文化管理
Abstract: Takes the project of Baltic Pearl —— the biggest project of our country, developed in multi-national region overseas as an example to carry through research and study on the risk and challenge that China enterprises should face in the development of multi-national regions. Expounds focusing on three aspects, i.e. general ecological environment the development of multi-national region will be in, the development rules and procedure of the country where the project is, and management across the culture, striving to find out a successful way worthy of reference for China enterprises in development overseas.
Key words: general ecological environment; development of multi-national region; management across the culture


