陈佩珊 何洁洪
(1.广东省地震局, 广东 广州 510070;2.广东省华侨职业技术学校, 广东 广州 510130)
[摘 要] 对2004年至2006年广东省清理建设领域拖欠工程款情况进行分析,发现要从根本上解决建设领域拖欠工程款问题,必须建立一套长效机制,即加强政府投资项目的管理、在房地产项目中推行房地产开发企业工程款支付担保制度和施工企业履约担保制度、建立建筑市场信用体系、推行建筑劳务分包制度,从源头上防止产生新的拖欠工程款。
[关键词] 建设领域,拖欠工程款,长效机制
Abstract: This paper analyzed the situation of clearing up project payment arrears in Guangdong construction field from 2004 to 2006 and came to the conclusion that a long-term mechanism must be established in order to solve the problems of project payment arrears in Guangdong construction field fundamentally, that is, strengthening the management of government investment projects, implementing project payment guarantee system of real estate development enterprises in real estate projects, setting up construction market credit system, pursuing architectural service subcontract system so as to prevent new project payment arrears from the source.
Key words: construction field; project payment arrear; long-term mechanism
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