尹涛 何江
(广州市社会科学院, 广东 广州 510410)
[摘 要] 首先运用经济学理论对预拌混凝土的行业特征进行了较为深入的分析,然后阐明了预拌混凝土行业的市场结构特点和恶性竞争的后果,最后总结了分析结果的政策含义。分析结果表明,预拌混凝土行业的产业特征和市场结构特点,决定了预拌混凝土行业容易陷入恶性竞争的困境,可能带来诸多具有重大影响的不良后果,“市场失灵”在这个行业表现得比较突出。因此,为了保持预拌混凝土行业持续健康发展,政府应对这一行业进行适度的宏观调控。
[关键词] 预拌混凝土,行业特征,市场结构,恶性竞争,政策建议
Abstract: This paper first applies economics theories to study on characters of ready-mixed concrete industry. Then the market structure of the industry and the results of malignant competition are deeply studied. At last the policy implication is summarized. The analysis suggests that ready-mixed concrete industry tends to fall in malignant competition, which may cause many serious problems. Therefore, in order to maintain the healthy development of ready-mixed concrete industry in China, it is required that the government should put the development of ready-mixed concrete industry under macro-control.
Key words: ready-mixed concrete; industrial character; market structure; malignant competition; policy suggestion


