(郑州航空工业管理学院, 河南 郑州 450015)
[摘 要] 创建和谐社会,必须考虑到社会中的弱势群体。为促进廉租住房制度建设,逐步解决城市低收入家庭的住房困难,2007年12月1日起实施《廉租住房保障办法》。对廉租房新政的颁发与实施,本文展开理性思考,分析了廉租住房保障方式、廉租住房来源及廉租住房保障资金来源存在的问题,提出了改进与解决建议。
[关键词] 廉租住房制度,办法,问题,建议
Abstract: When constructing the harmonious society, we must consider the feelings of social vulnerable groups. In the purpose of promoting the system of low-rent housing and solving the problem of housing of lower-income household in city, the measures for the guarantee of low-rent housing have been brought into force at November 1, 2007. This paper takes a rational thinking over the publishing and bringing into force of the new policy about low-rent housing and analyzes problems about the measures, the source of houses and the fund source, and then gives some suggestion on how to improve and solve these problems.
Key words: low-rent housing system; measure; problem; suggestion
[7]多渠道增加廉租房房源[EB/OL]. http://www.gzjcw.com/


