祁神军 朱哲 张云波
(华侨大学土木工程学院,福建 厦门 361021)
Abstract:There are many uncertainty and inconsistency problems in the quantitative and qualitative indicators of the risk factors. Combined with the Entropy method and Extension theory,sets up the extension model of regional real estate investment. With the Matter-element model,computes the weight of all indexes by the information entropy,which solves the problem of weight distribution objectively and reasonably. Furthermore,calculates the risk degree of regional real estate investment in Xiamen city by correlation function value,and then compares the evaluation results with the actual circumstance. Consequently conclude that it is consistent with the actual,which verifies the feasibility of the model in evaluating the regional real estate investment risk.
Keywords:construction industry;entropy-weight;extension theory;real estate investment;risk assessment
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