严敏 闫金芹 严玲
(1.天津商业大学公共管理学院,天津 300134;2.天津市兴业工程造价咨询有限责任公司,天津 300032;3.天津理工大学管理学院,天津 300384)
Abstract:The paper analyses the regulations of 2013 version code of bills of quantities and valuation about risk allocation,together with the discussion on contract enforcement mechanism that caused by incomplete contract based on risks reallocation. Moreover,settlement of relative flexible terms in construction contract and integration of risks reallocation for condition compensation could formulate the strategy set of contract flexible terms based on risk reallocation,and this will provide adequate method for contract optimization. It is one of the important means to make the contract optimize and is helpful to control the risks of investment and improve performance of project management.
Keywords:code of bills of quantities and valuation;proper risk allocation;risk reallocation;construction contract;flexible terms
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