(华东建筑设计研究院有限公司, 上海 200002)
[摘 要] 财务评价是建筑区域供能项目经济合理性评价的重要手段和项目投资决策的重要依据。结合建筑区域供能项目的特点,分析其现金流的组成。建筑区域供能项目的财务评价应包括项目盈利能力分析、项目资金平衡能力分析和项目敏感性分析三方面内容。结合工程案例分析影响建筑区域供能项目财务评价的主要影响因素:建设投资、冷热量售价、冷热销售量及运营费用。
[关键词] 建筑区域供能;财务评价;动态投资回收期;内部收益率
Abstract: The financial evaluation is an important and indispensable means to evaluate the economic rationality of district building energy supply projects. And it is an important basis for project investment decision. Based on financial evaluation methods of the construction project, according to the characteristics of district building energy supply projects, this paper analyzes the composition of its cash flow. Financial evaluation for district building energy supply projects should include project profitability analysis, and project funding balance analysis and sensitivity analysis three aspects. Combined with projects, this paper analyzes the main factors affecting financial evaluation of district building energy supply projects are construction investment, the price of cooling and heating energy, sales of cooling and heating heat energy and operating expenses.
Key words: district building energy supply; financial evaluation; dynamic investment recovery period; internal rate of return
[3]全国注册咨询工程师(投资)资格考试参考教材编写委员会.项目决策分析与评价(2012年版)[M].北京:中国计划出版社. 2011.


