曹萍 达卉莉
(西安科技大学建筑与土木工程学院, 陕西 西安 710054)
[摘 要] 以分户式平板太阳能热水系统为研究对象,在深化其经济评价的基础上,建立节能、环境和社会三维综合效益评价模型,并采用银川市全年各月太阳能辐射数据对某住宅用户进行实例分析。通过工程案例证明分户式平板太阳能热水系统不仅经济合理且综合效益良好。
[关键词] 分户式平板太阳能热水系统;经济性评价;综合效益评价
Abstract: Based on deepened economic evaluation, takes household type flat solar water heating system as research object, establishes the three-dimensional comprehensive benefit evaluation model of energy-saving benefit, environmental benefit and social benefit. Referring to the monthly solar radiation data, a case residential user in Yinchuan is employed to demonstrate that the household type flat solar water heating system′s economic benefit is reasonable, the comprehensive benefits are equally salient.
Key words: household type flat solar water heating system; economic evaluation; comprehensive benefit evaluation
[1]Ping Cao, Ying Hu. Study on effect of the balcony type flat solar heating water system on tall building structure[C]. Advanced Materials Research,2011.
[7]中华人民共和国国家质量监督检验检疫总局.GB/T 19141-2011家用太阳能热水系统技术条件[S].北京:中国计划出版社,2011.


