(东南大学建筑学院, 江苏 南京 210096)
[摘 要] 将建筑遗产作为投资项目,根据国家现行财税制度与价格体系,从投资主体角度出发,运用经济评价模型详细计算项目发生的投入成本、费用和收益情况等,分析项目生存或可持续能力,对其经济盈余能力进行科学判断;并以苏州山塘历史街区项目为例,分别对其修复期、培育期和成熟期末进行经济评价(IRR测算),通过对不同指标的对比分析,得出建筑遗产项目的收益特征。
[关键词] 建筑遗产;利用;可持续;盈余能力;经济评价
Abstract: This paper takes building heritages as investment projects. According to current state financial and pricing system, from an investor's point of view, carries out in-depth calculations on investment, cost as well as income of such projects through economic evaluation models, so as to analyze the survivability, sustainability and profitability of such projects. Particularly, the Shantang historic district of Suzhou city is taken as an example. The paper studies its product life cycle, and then carries out economic evaluation(IRR rate). Various comparisons and analysis are then undertaken to reach the final result on the profit features of building heritage project.
Key words: building heritage; use; sustainable; profitability; economic evaluation


