(贵阳学院, 贵州 贵阳 550000)
[摘 要] 随着城市化进程的不断加快,传统房地产开发模式由于功能单一、职住不匹配而引发城市交通拥堵、能源消耗过多、环境污染严重等一系列问题,“产居一体”的房地产开发模式成为发展趋势。借鉴国外房地产开发模式的经验,结合我国实际情况,构建“产居一体”的房地产开发模式。
[关键词] 产居一体;房地产;开发模式
Abstract: With the accelerating process of urbanization, the traditional development model of real estate caused traffic congestion, energy consumption, serious pollution and other problems due to single-function and jobs-housing separation, integrates industry and residence of real estate pattern becomes the trend of development. Learned from foreign experience in real estate development, combined with the realities in China, the construction of “one” mode of real estate development is built, it will be conducive to the sustainable development of China's real estate industry and promote urbanization construction.
Key words: integrates industry and residence; real estate; development model


