殷治宁 麻景新 殷永高 张立奎
(1.安徽省交通基本建设工程质量监督站, 安徽 合肥 230011; 2.东南大学土木学院, 江苏 南京 210096;3.安徽省高速公路控股集团有限公司, 安徽 合肥 230088)
[摘 要] 特大型桥梁的建设对安全管理提出更高的要求,构建合理的安全管理机制尤为重要。以马鞍山长江大桥为例,系统分析其安全预警管理机制中的一校一会一志制度、三阶段危险源辨识与防控和单元预警法,以期为特大型桥梁工程构建合理的安全预警管理机制提供借鉴。
[关键词] 特大桥梁;安全预警机制;危险源辨识;单元预警
Abstract: The construction of major bridges makes higher requirements for safety management, building reasonable safety early-warning management mechanism seems to be particularly important. Taking the major bridge—Ma′anshan Yangtze River Bridge as a study object, this paper builds its security early-warning management mechanism, systematically analyses the three implementations of the safety early-warning, they are “one school, one meeting, one note”, three stages of hazards identification and control as well as unit early-warning method, in order to provide a  reference for designing proper security early-warning management mechanism for China′s major bridges.
Key words: major bridge; safety early-warning mechanism; hazards identification; unit early-warning




