左慰慰 郭利玲
1.武汉理工大学土木工程与建筑学院, 湖北 武汉 430070;2.襄阳市襄城建设投资有限公司, 湖北 襄阳 441000)
[摘 要] 结合工程项目管理绩效考评的研究现状和工程管理实践,设计包括四个关键指标和四个一般指标的工程项目管理绩效考评指标体系;建立多项目管理绩效考评结构模型,运用专家群决策和考评矩阵加权算术平均法对考评数据进行分析计算,得出各参评项目绩效的相对得分,从而确定各参评项目绩效的高低,并通过实证验证该绩效考评机制的可行性。
[关键词] 工程项目管理;绩效考评;指标体系;专家群决策法
Abstract: Based on the project management practices and research situation of performance appraisal, designs a more comprehensive and detailed indicator system of project management performance evaluation, including four key indicators and four general indicators. Performance evaluation structure model of multi-project management is established, using the expert group decision and the weighted arithmetic mean method to evaluation analysis, to get relative score of each contestant project, to determine the score sorting of project performance, empirical analysis shows that the performance evaluation mechanism is feasible.
Key words: project management; performance appraisal; indicator system; expert group decision method


