周建亮 吴跃星
(中国矿业大学力学与建筑工程学院, 江苏 徐州 221116)
[摘 要] 随着世界经济加速一体化,跨国界的工程服务日益频繁,国际工程市场的变化与外部宏观经济环境日趋密切。根据2006~2011年国际工程承包市场最大225家承包商的统计数据,从总体规模、行业结构、地区市场以及竞争格局几个方面分析总结国际工程承包市场的一些变化,并探讨这些变化与2008年全球金融危机的内在联系,评价金融危机期间中国承包商在国际工程市场的表现。
[关键词] 金融危机;ENR数据;国际工程承包;中国承包商
Abstract: With the acceleration of global economic integration, it is more close between the international construction market and the world macroeconomic environment. After reviewing the statistical data of the top 225 international contractors from 2006 to 2011, the paper made an analysis of international construction market from the overall size, industry structure, regional markets and business entities, and revealed the internal relationships between these changes and the world financial crisis starting from 2008, and evaluated the top Chinese contractors' performance in international construction market during the financial crisis.
Key words: financial crisis; ENR date; international construction; Chinese contractors
[1]Peter Reina. Gary J.Tulacz.The Top 225 International Contractors[J].Engineering News-Record,2009(8):36-55.
[2]Peter Reina. Gary J.Tulacz. The Top 225 International Contractors[J].Engineering News-Record,2010(8):44-63.


