沙凯逊 孙晓冰
(山东建筑大学, 山东 济南 250014)
[摘 要] “中国经济升级版”要求把转变政府职能作为深化改革的突破口,正确处理政府和市场、社会的关系,这对建筑专业体制提出了新的要求和转型机遇。转型中要解决好三个关键问题:一是淡化官办色彩以还原独立本色,二是简化资质管理以增强职业操守,三是强化项目治理以持守无偏立场。关键在于克服既有模式的惯性和既得利益的阻力,放松政府规制,这需要统揽全局的顶层设计和坚韧不拔的努力。
[关键词] 专业体制转型;独立性;市场准入;项目治理;放松规制
Abstract: 'Upgraded version of the Chinese economy' requires to properly handle the government's relationship with the market and the society, taking the transformation of government functions as a breakthrough point in deepening reform. This raises new requirements to China's professional system in construction, while provides the system with a rare opportunity of transformation. Three key problems should be solved in an overall way:(1)to dilute official color of professional institutions so that their inherent quality of independency could be restored; (2)to streamline the administrative system for practice qualification so that professional ethics could be enhanced; (3)to strengthen project governance so that impartiality and integrity in professional service could be maintained. The key point lies in deregulation through overcoming the inertia of existing mode and the resistance from various groups with vested interests, which requires not only heroic determination and courage to cut a poisoned wrist to save his life, but also a comprehensive top-level design, as well as indomitable efforts.
Key words: professional system transformation; independency; market access; project governance; deregulation
[3]住房和城乡建设部.人员资格查询[DB/OL].http://www.mohurd.gov.cn/wbdt/ryzgcx/ index.html, 2013-07-20.
[4]Sha, K.X. Professionalism in China's building sector: an economic governance perspective[J]. Building Research and Information,2013,41(6):742-751.


