陈守科 韦灼彬
(海军工程大学机场与营房系, 天津 300450)
[摘 要] 当前对建设项目风险管理的研究,大都从微观着眼,探讨的重点也往往局限于风险指标体系的设立、风险识别的方法、风险量化的工具等。这些研究虽然对于建设项目风险的识别与防控有着积极的意义,但很难从宏观上对项目风险的管理提供原则性的指导与建议。基于此,本文从风险分析、全寿命期的整体控制体系、风险监测体系、以责任人为主体的管理理念四个角度全面分析了当前建设项目风险管理应当注重的发展方向。
[关键词] 建设项目,风险管理,风险分析,控制体系,监测体系, 责任主体
Abstract: Current research on project risk management usually emphasizes on the setting up of risk index system, the way of risk identification, the tool of risk quantification and so on. These researches are useful for the administrators to avoid and control risk in the process of project operation. However, due to the strait perspective of these works, it can't give a macroscopical guideline for the project risk management. A full-scale analysis, which focuses on the perspective of risk-analysis and risk-control system in lifecycle, risk-monitoring system, risk management concept based on responsibility, was carried out in this paper.
Key words: construction project; risk management; risk analysis; control system; monitoring system; responsibility
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