赖益凝 刘小群
(1.北京中色建设工程有限公司, 北京 100073;2.地壳运动监测工程研究中心, 北京 100036)
[摘 要] 对我国重点建设项目设备招标中存在的两难现象进行了简单分析。在对公开招标、邀请招标和议标进行阐述之后,对两阶段招标法进行了介绍,从招标发布方式及其对象、标书公开程度、投标人数目、竞争激烈程度等多方面将两阶段法与公开招标、邀请招标和议标进行了详细对比。结合某国家重点建设项目中关键设备招标的实例,对两阶段法的应用过程进行了阐述,并总结了两阶段法的适用范围。
[关键词] 国家重点建设项目,设备招标,两阶段法
Abstract: Manager is always in a dilemma as to facility tendering in state key construction project. After explains the open tendering, selected tendering and negotiated tendering one by one, the two stage tendering method is introduced. From the promulgation form, promulgation object, open degree, bidder numbers, competition degree, the two stage tendering is contrasted in detail with the open tendering, selected tendering and negotiated tendering. According to one case of the key facility tendering in state key construction project, how to apply the two stage tendering method is expatiated. Finally, the applicability scope is summarized in briefly.
Key words: state key construction project; facility tendering; two stage method
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