张朝勇 吴学庆 王卓甫
(1.嘉兴学院建筑工程学院, 浙江 嘉兴 314001;2.中国水电建设集团第十五工程局, 陕西 西安 710065;3.河海大学工程管理研究所, 江苏 南京 210098)
[摘 要] 对于以项目为基础的工程建筑公司而言,项目管理能力是其核心竞争力的体现。传统的项目管理过于关注单个项目的绩效,没有从企业组织的角度整体考虑,特别是在多项目环境下,往往会造成企业资源紧缺。在分析项目群管理概念的基础上,结合工程建筑公司特点,提出了项目群管理模式的实施模型,其实施过程包含目标合同的选择、项目群方案的确立、项目群实施过程控制、项目群管理绩效四个方面,并对各个方面的影响因素进行了详细的论述。旨在为工程建筑公司实施多项目管理提供一个“行动路线图”,以重新审视、改进其当前的管理模式和技术,提高企业的市场竞争力和组织项目管理能力。
[关键词] 工程建筑公司,项目群管理,多项目管理,项目管理
Abstract: For construction companies working project by project, the capability and ability to manage projects is one of its core competencies. Traditional project management puts too much emphasis on performance of single project, instead of considering return and benefits brought to the company. When company is running multiple projects, this usually leads to waste of company resources. Considering the nature of construction company, this paper builds an operation model about programme management for construction company based on the concept of programme management,which includes four aspects: selection of target contract, establishment of project portfolio solution, process control during the programme management operation course, programme performance management and evaluation, and discusses the dynamic interaction of the four aspects in detail. It aims to offer a view from a brand-new angle for the construction companies to consider and improve its current management patterns and technologies for the purpose of enhancing the enterprises’ market competition and project management ability.
Key words: construction company; programme management; multiple projects management; project management
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