李然 宣静静
(中国铁路工程总公司党校, 河北 石家庄 050011)
[摘 要] 分析协作队伍的特点和企业对协作队伍全过程管控方面存在的问题。从完善协作队伍的管理程序;推行“五同”管理模式,增强协作队伍归属感;加强思想政治工作,提升协作队伍凝聚力;强化合作意识,建立战略伙伴关系;加强组织化建设,提升协作队伍管理水平五个方面提出对策。
[关键词] 国有施工企业;协作队伍;准入制;战略伙伴
Abstract: This article analyzes the characteristics of the collaborative team and the existing problems of whole process controlling the collaborative team. Then proposes countermeasures and suggestions for the below five parts "control the gateway, improve the management program of the collaborative team,implement the 'five same ' management mode, strengthen the sense of belonging, strengthen ideological and politics job, enhance the cohesion, consolidate the awareness of cooperation, establish the strategic partnership, strengthen the organization construction, enhance the management level of collaborative team.
Key words: state-owned construction enterprise; collaborative team; access system; strategic partner
[3]范丽娜.关于我国劳务派遣行业存在的问题及建议探讨[J]. 北京市工会干部学院学报,2011(9).


