刘骏 薛伟贤 武赟 贺琨 王 清
(1.贵州财经大学管理科学与工程管理学院, 贵州 贵阳 550004;2.西安交通大学经济与金融学院, 陕西 西安 710042;3.西安理工大学经济与管理学院, 陕西 西安 710054;4.贵州省房地产研究院, 贵州 贵阳 550004;5.贵州众志天和不动产咨询服务公司,贵州 贵阳 550081)
[摘 要] 城镇化进程中的住房问题直接关系到国计民生。通过回顾贵州城镇化进程,分析其城镇化的特点,探讨贵州城镇化进程对商品房市场容量的带动作用。研究表明:(1)贵州近十年的新进城镇人口使得商品房市场容量增长了约8千万平方米,约为整个市场容量的一半;(2)未来贵州商品房市场容量增长前景看好,从新进城镇人口刚性需求与原有居民改善性住房需求两个方面将增加2.2亿平方米的市场容量。
[关键词] 商品房;市场容量;城镇化
Abstract: Housing problem in China's urbanization process is directly related to people's livelihood. Guizhou's urbanization characters are argued by reviewing the process of urbanization. Leading role that plays by commercial housing market capacity in Guizhou's urbanization process is discussed. The research result shows that the new increasing urban population in ten years makes commercial housing market capacity growth by eighty million square meters, and it is almost half of total market capacity. The future housing market in Guizhou should be better, capacity increase will be about two hundred million square meters for new urban residents' rigid demand and townsman improves living condition.
Key words: commercial housing; market capacity; urbanization
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