沙凯逊 孙晓冰
(山东建筑大学, 山东 济南 250014)
[摘 要] 专业体制是现代建筑业健康发展不可或缺的要素。从新制度经济学的视角出发,分析建筑专业体制存在的理由、本质属性和比较优势。作为市场和政府之外的第三种力量,建筑专业体制属于社群治理的范畴。该体制以专业人士为主体,以专业组织为核心,以独立性、利他性和自律性为基本特征。它的比较优势主要体现在基于长远预期的激励机制,基于声誉的约束机制,基于信息反馈的强化合作机制和基于行业规范的养成机制。这些优势可以归因于社群中重复博弈所形成的局部信息和来自同行的压力。
[关键词] 专业体制;建筑业;不确定性;独立;利他;自律;比较优势
Abstract: The professional system is an indispensible element for the construction industry to develop in a sound way. The raison d'être, essence and comparative advantages of the professional system are analyzed from a new institutional economics perspective. As the third force beside markets and governments, building professionalism belongs to the category of community governance. The system takes professionals as its main body, professional institutions as underpinnings, characterized by independency, altruism and self-regulation. Its comparative advantages include long-term expectation based incentive mechanism, reputation based restraint mechanism, information feedback based cooperation mechanism and occupational norm based morality cultivation mechanism, which can be attributed to the local information and peer pressure caused by repeated games in a professional society.
Key words: professional system; construction industry; uncertainty; independency; altruism; self-regulation; comparative advantage
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