(湖北科技学院经济与管理学院, 湖北 咸宁 437100)
[摘 要] 以24家房地产上市公司为研究样本,采用因子分析法和多元回归分析法相结合的方法验证竞争战略对房地产企业绩效的影响,并分别从长短期视角考察竞争战略对公司绩效的影响程度。研究结果表明:低成本战略和差异化战略均能提高企业绩效,采用差异化战略的企业其短期获利能力要比采用低成本战略的企业更强,而且从长期上看,差异化战略所带来的竞争优势要比低成本战略的竞争优势更突出。
[关键词] 房地产业;企业绩效;低成本战略;差异化战略
Abstract: Took 24 real estate listed companies as the samples of this empirical study, and used factor analysis method and multiple regression analysis, examined the impact of competitive advantage on enterprise performance of the real estate industry. Based on the result, examined the effects between competitive advantage, low-cost strategy and differentiation strategy for further studies. The results indicate that both low cost and differentiation strategies have a positive effect on enterprise performance, in the short-term performance that firms pursuing a differentiation strategy have higher performance than firms pursuing a low-cost strategy. In the long range the differentiation strategy allows a firm to achieve and sustain superior performance than the low-cost strategy.
Key words: real estate; enterprise performance; low-cost strategy; differentiation strategy
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