刘玲 陈欣
(武汉科技大学管理学院, 湖北 武汉 430081)
[摘 要] 根据全寿命周期工程造价信息流的特点,设计工程造价信息原始数据和分析数据的指标体系,对造价信息进行收集、整理、分析、测算,并运用工程造价共享信息估算拟建项目的全寿命周期工程造价。通过以上过程,把工程造价管理与计算机信息技术相结合,构建工程造价信息数据管理模式,使造价管理参与方通过工程造价信息平台共享其信息资源,实现对建设项目全寿命周期工程造价的事前、主动、动态管理。
[关键词] 工程造价;信息数据;模糊聚类法;共享
Abstract: Collect, collate, analyze, calculate the cost information and estimate the whole life cycle cost by using shared project cost information according to index system of data analysis, the original cost data of designing project and the characteristics of project cost information flows in the whole life cycle. Attempt to establish a project cost information management model by combining the project cost management with computer technology to make the related cost management parties share the engineering cost information through the platform, as a result, they can control the cost dynamically in the whole life cycle of the project.
Key words: project cost; information data; fuzzy cluster method; share
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[3]Dong Jin, Wei Fajie. A Study on Life Cycle-Oriented Analysis Method of Project Cost [J]. The 1st International Conference on Information Science and Engineering(ICISE2009):4153-4157.


