基于Uniformat II的建设工程投资估算方法研究
张仕廉 陈珂
(重庆大学建设管理与房地产学院, 重庆 400045)
[摘 要] 传统的建设投资估算方法往往准确性不高,工程建设中常出现“三算互超”的现象。为提高建设投资估算的精确性,论文从建筑构件入手,拟从建筑部件成本汇总得出工程造价。参照对投资变化敏感的美国建筑分类体系Uniformat II,并结合国内计价的定额体系,建立高层级的Uniformat与低层级的定额的混合体系。通过工程案例中得出混合体系Uniformat第一层次各主要元素单方造价,估算出新工程的建设投资;并与我国常用的综合单方造价估算出的建设投资对比,得出结论:引入Uniformat II的分部估算方法比综合单方造价估算法更接近工程实际造价。
[关键词] 投资估算;分类体系;UniformatII
Abstract: The accuracy level of traditional construction investment estimate is yet to be sufficient. Therefore, construction cost overrun is quite common in current practice. To increase the estimate accuracy, the paper tried to explore an innovative estimating method. It calculated the building price by summing the costs of all the building elements. Specifically, this method combined the current quota-based estimating system, which is being used in China and Uniformat II, the U. S. building classification system, which is sensitive to investment change. To test this method, a unit cost was calculated first using the proposed method with the cost information retrieved from a group of similar projects in the past; then the construction investment estimate for the new project was created. Compared with the estimate based on unit cost per square metre, the proposed new method produced a more accurate result.
Key words: investment estimate; classification system; Uniformat II
[7]Robert P. Charette,Harold E. Marshall,UNIFORMAT II Elemental Classification for Buildings Specification,and Cost Analysis,NIST,October 1999.


